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Learn Pixel Art - Free Workshop

Learn Pixel Art - Free Workshop

Nothing combines simplicity with creativity better than pixel art! The limited color palette, small canvas size, and blocky pixels evoke a sense of retro aesthetics, making it appealing to both the old and the young.

In this workshop, you will learn the principles of pixel art and draw a simple pixel art character. We'll help you turn it into a sticker to take home. No experience necessary! Our instructors will guide you step by step, and all the equipment and material will be provided. It's a perfect opportunity to explore your creative potential and get hands-on experience in digital art-making. Limited spots available – sign up today!

• Recommended Minimum Age: 8

• Time and Date:

Saturday, June 22, 2024, 1-2PM

Please note that we have to change the time for this workshop to Sunday, June 23, 2024 1-2PM


DigiKidz Academy

4229 Lafayette Center Drive

Suite 1150

Chantilly, VA, 20151

• The workshop is FREE but limited to 9 seats. Please register to reserve your seat!

Because seats are limited, anyone who chooses to reserve a space through registration takes away another opportunity for other learners. If you register for the workshop, we appreciate your honesty in attending. If you can not attend, please let us know in advance so we can make a space available for other students. If you register but don't show up, DigiKidz Academy reserves the right to cancel your future registrations. 

Class Information

Class Date 06-23-2024 1:00 pm
Individual Price Free
Location DigiKidz Academy

Sorry, the class is now full and we could not accept more registration

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