• DigiKidz Academy Core Curriculum and Classes

DigiKidz Academy's mission is simple ... empower kids with the skills needed to get ahead in a digitally imagined, created and produced world! The Course Map below outlines the 12 core eight-week courses (Intro is not included) which exposes your young learner to a range of digital literacy skills. Contact us if you have any questions, and don't forget we offer free evaluation sessions!

DigiKidz ClassMap 2025


Comics Creation Introduction

Comics Creation Introduction

This 8-week / 16-hour course covers the basic steps of comics creation. It allows students who show strong interests in comics to learn about the process before reaching the full-productive skill level.
  • 00:00:00Course Duration
  • BeginnerSkill level
  • $599
    ( 23% off )
  • 29 November -0001Admission Deadline

Click HERE to Register!

The course is designed for students with strong interests in comics creation. It goes through the production process of professional comics creation. By the end of this course, students will complete a 4-panel comics story of their own!

Students will take home a printed version of their personal project and certificate of completion. All the digital files will be emailed to parents. Select works will be shared on our website, or may even go up on our walls!

Our equipment are top-spec Asus gaming lap-tops with dedicated graphics card, dual monitors (one Pro-Art 27" monitor), Wacom tablets, and Adobe Photoshop Elements.

No more than 9 students per class.

Recommended Minimum Age: 8+

Pre-requisites: Digital Arts - Introduction and Digital Arts - Foundations I. Students with digital art expenrience can request waiving the pre-requisites by submitting a portfolio and go through evaluation with DigiKidz.

> Introduction to Comics - Course Overview:

• Week 1 - Comic main character design

• Week 2 - Comic world building

• Week 3 - Comic sub characters design

• Week 4 - Comic panels design

• Week 5 - Script writing

• Week 6 - Comic day

• Week 7 - Color your comic

• Week 8 - Complete your comic and presentation


Need Any Help?

Wenling Parker

Wenling Parker

Admission Officer

How Do I Apply?

DigiKidz Academy wants to be sure you're getting in the right class. Please follow the steps below to enroll!.

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